In the context of the family, the father and husband is the leader or main pastor. It is he who sets the example to follow: "As for me my family and I, we will serve the Lord." The leader goes ahead, showing the way forward. The other members of the community respond: "We too will serve the Lord, he is our God."
The psalmist urges us: "Taste and see that the Lord is good." As a family of families we want to taste the goodness of the Lord one more time. As we begin our program of dynamic Evangelization and Catechesis "rebirth" for the whole family, we want to feel and taste the love, liberation and healing that brings to us our contact with the Word of God in community.
When the husband knows and loves God, then he loves his wife as himself. St. Paul writes: "Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies." Paul also declares that man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife and the two become one thing, for Paul, this is the great mystery of Christ and the Church: Christ and the Church are one body. The Church is the body of Christ.
The words of the Lord Jesus, as he himself says, are spirit and life to vivify the Church. Jesus said, "My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink." God has placed within the human heart a true and deep desire to know and love Him. Jesus says: "No one can come to me unless the Father attracts him." So the search for God is a desire and initiative of God himself within each of us. Our heart was made for God and it will not be quiet until it rests in God. Jesus draws us to himself because it is the will of his Father.
Jesus has the words of eternal life. He is the bread that came down from heaven and quench our thirst for the eternal God.
As a parish community of disciples of Jesus, we too can say: "We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.
Now that we know it, I invite each and every one of you to attend the meeting with the Word of the Gospel of Joy that will be proclaimed in a dynamic and new way every Wednesday from September 16 at 7:00 PM in the hall of Saint Christopher. Let us go all with joy and enthusiasm to witness once more the liberating, healing power, and rebirth that occurs with the proclamation of Jesus. Go with your family, invite your friends and neighbors. It will be an experience of being born again, a rebirth. Register at